
Materials in different languages

Materials in different languages

In the Vaski libraries you can find books and other materials in more than 50 languages.

Read instructions on how to search for material in different languages in the Vaski online library.

You can also find bilingual books
in the collection of Vaski library

E-resources in different languages

E- resources include e-books, audio books, e-magazines, music, videos and online courses.

The PressReader online service has more than 6000 magazines from over 100 different countries in more than 60 languages.

You can access our e-resources with your library card number and your PIN code.
For e-resources guides, click here!

Discover the library! provides information on Finnish libraries.
Read the introduction to the Public Libraries in different languages from this link.

Library Navigation/Orienteering
Library Navigation/Orienteering is a virtual tour
of the main library of Turku
and guidance on library use.

Multilingual Library

You can order material in different languages
from Multilingual Library located in Helsinki.
The collection contains material in over 80 languages
for children, young people and adults.

Please note that the following languages are not included in Multilingual Library's collection: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Russian, Estonian and Nordic languages.

Russian Library

Russian Library is located in Espoo.
You can borrow books in Russian and Ukrainian.

If you live outside the capital region of Finland,
you can use Russian Library’s long-distance service.
The service is free.

Learn Finnish language

The Vaski library has a lot of materials
for learning Finnish.

Finnish language materials.

Online courses

On Promentor you will find language courses
that you can take online.

Rockway offers music-related courses.

You can log in to Promentor and Rockway
with your library card ID and password.

Books in easy Finnish

Easy-to-read books are written in easy Finnish.
You can identify the easy-to-read material
by the easy-to-read symbol.

Easy-to-read books in the Vaski Libraries.

Finnish language learning materials elsewhere online

Suomi taskussa
The Suomi taskussa website contains Finnish language learning materials.
On the site you can watch videos related to dealing with authorities, for example.
Use of the site is free of charge.

Tutut sanat
Tutut sanat is a website where you can learn
about Finnish everyday life and culture.
Use of the site is free of charge.

Yle News in easy Finnish
Watch and read news in simple Finnish.

Read the most important news in simple Finnish.

Iso ja pieni – talven arvoitus - children's book and additional materials
The picture book and additional materials
offer a chance to practise
the sounds of the Finnish language.
The book has been produced in collaboration
with children's author Christel Rönns
and researchers in phonetics and multilingual pedagogy
at the University of Turku.

Hop into stories

Hop into stories is a guide for families
to spend reading time together.
It offers parents ideas on how to support
their children's language development.

The booklet is available in Finnish, Swedish,
English, Arabic, Russian and Kurdish.

You can download the booklet in the language of your choice: