
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


Ashford, N., Wolinski, H., Jagger, M., Cooper, W., Williams, L., Grant, A., . . . Simon, C. (2019). 100 women of pop and rock: Piano, vocal, guitar. Hal Leonard.

Chicago-stil citat

Ashford, Nickolas, et al. 100 Women of Pop and Rock: Piano, Vocal, Guitar. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 2019.


Ashford, Nickolas, et al. 100 Women of Pop and Rock: Piano, Vocal, Guitar. Hal Leonard, 2019.

Harvard-stil citat

Ashford, N., Wolinski, H., Jagger, M., Cooper, W., Williams, L., Grant, A., . . . Simon, C. 2019. 100 women of pop and rock: Piano, vocal, guitar. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard.

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