
Record Citations

APA Citation

Kazuki, M., Suzuka, s., & Quof, k. (2020). Ascendance of a bookworm: I'll do anything to become a librarian!. Part 1, If there aren't any books, I'll just have to make some! Volume 2 (First printing.). J-Novel Club.

Chicago Style Citation

Kazuki, Miya, sarjakuvantekijä Suzuka, and kääntäjä Quof. Ascendance of a Bookworm: I'll Do Anything to Become a Librarian!. Part 1, If There Aren't Any Books, I'll Just Have to Make Some! Volume 2. First printing. [Kustannuspaikka tuntematon]: J-Novel Club, 2020.

MLA Citation

Kazuki, Miya, et al. Ascendance of a Bookworm: I'll Do Anything to Become a Librarian!. Part 1, If There Aren't Any Books, I'll Just Have to Make Some! Volume 2. First printing. J-Novel Club, 2020.

Harvard Style Citation

Kazuki, M., Suzuka, s. & Quof, k. 2020. Ascendance of a bookworm: I'll do anything to become a librarian!. Part 1, If there aren't any books, I'll just have to make some! Volume 2. First printing. [Kustannuspaikka tuntematon]: J-Novel Club.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.