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Darwall-Smith, H., & Davey, O. (2021). The science of sleep: Stop chasing a good night's sleep and let it find you. DK.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Darwall-Smith, Heather, ja Owen Davey. The Science of Sleep: Stop Chasing a Good Night's Sleep and Let It Find You. London: DK, 2021.


Darwall-Smith, Heather, ja Owen Davey. The Science of Sleep: Stop Chasing a Good Night's Sleep and Let It Find You. DK, 2021.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Darwall-Smith, H. & Davey, O. 2021. The science of sleep: Stop chasing a good night's sleep and let it find you. London: DK.

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