
Record Citations

APA Citation

Arnold, D., Woolley, S., Purvis, N., Wade, R., Mathieson, J., Gregory, L., . . . Mazur, M. (2006). Stoned: The wild and wicked world of Brian Jones. Warner Bros. Entertainment Finland [jakaja].

Chicago Style Citation

Arnold, David, et al. Stoned: The Wild and Wicked World of Brian Jones. Helsinki: Warner Bros. Entertainment Finland [jakaja], 2006.

MLA Citation

Arnold, David, et al. Stoned: The Wild and Wicked World of Brian Jones. Warner Bros. Entertainment Finland [jakaja], 2006.

Harvard Style Citation

Arnold, D., Woolley, S., Purvis, N., Wade, R., Mathieson, J., Gregory, L., . . . Mazur, M. 2006. Stoned: The wild and wicked world of Brian Jones. Helsinki: Warner Bros. Entertainment Finland [jakaja].

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.